Our volunteer Leaders are an important part of the Unit, and their dedication is truly remarkable. That’s why we nominated and sent down three of our Explorer Scout Leaders, to take part in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: the King’s Coronation. Out of thousands of potential candidates, they were chosen to form part of a guard of honour outside Buckingham Palace and along The Mall.
The three Explorer Scout Leaders, James, Jake and Megan, were not only honoured to be selected, but they were also thrilled to be able to represent their Scouting community in such a prestigious event. To prepare for the big day, they camped all weekend and took part in event training at Gilwell Park, the home of Scouting.
Despite the rainy weather, they remained enthusiastic and eager to participate in the coronation ceremony. They even managed a cheeky wave from the King himself, as he rode past in his carriage.
Jake said, “The King’s Coronation was a momentous occasion, and being part of the guard of honour outside Buckingham Palace was an incredible opportunity, even if it did rain all day”.
We are extremely proud of them for their outstanding service. Their participation in the coronation ceremony is a testament to the power of Scouting to inspire and shape young people into leaders who are capable of making a positive impact on the world.